Japanese Language Proficiency Test | FlyUp Technology
Japanese Language Proficiency Test | FAIR Study

The first Japanese Language Proficiency check (JLPT) of 2019 was held at St. Mary’s school and D.A.V. School, Jawalakhel on English calendared month seventh, 2019. In total, 3,084 students took the language proficiency examination for Levels N1 to N5. The Japan Foundation offers JLPT doubly a year – in July and December, each in Japan and in additional than sixty countries round the world. In Nepal, the Japanese Language Teachers’ Association, Nepal (JALTAN) and therefore the Embassy of Japan conduct this examination.

JLPT certificates provide varied benefits, starting from recognition as educational credit and graduation certification at faculties to discriminatory/ preferential treatment at corporations and acknowledgement of qualification in society.

Chairman's Words

Sugoi Japanese Language is established with the vision of providing seamless education info to Nepalese students and determined to push abroad education right from its dawning

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